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Emergencies can strike anyone, anytime, but their impact is felt most by the world's poorest communities.

Together we can ensure that those who are facing natural catastrophes, health epidemics and humanitarian conflict receive swift and effective action. For those who are left destitute, forced to live without food, clean water, shelter and healthcare, we can provide a lifeline for survival and hope.


You can help ensure that we act swiftly, making a lasting impact together.



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It’s only because of supporters like you that we can continue to respond to emergencies.

Together we can help save lives, turning a mother’s darkest moment to hope for the future.

Mother of two Dhanu’s life was devastated when an earthquake recently hit Jajarkot district in Nepal. The earthquake tragically claimed the lives of her husband and daughter, destroying their family home.

Destitute, grieving and injured, Dhanu refused treatment, her only wish to be reunited with her lost loved ones. Traumatised, she clung to her son out of fear of losing him as she had lost her husband and daughter.


But Dhanu's son fell unconscious, prompting panic and despair. Thanks to the swift intervention of EMMS International and our partners, the child received urgent medical attention. The family were supported with food, medicines, shelter, warm clothes, and blankets.

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“My mother has been battling cervical cancer for over a year now. Our harvest has been affected by the recent dry weather, leaving us without food or an income."

Asante is a young carer and one of two million farming families in Malawi who are facing hunger and financial ruin.
Sadly, young people like Asante are becoming gravely ill, being forced to eat poisonous plants, so desperate is their hunger. They carry a heavy burden that together we can ease.
Thanks to loyal supporters like you, together we can be there to respond to emergencies, giving hope in times of crisis. Asante and her mother now have the food that they so desperately need. But there are thousands of others who still go without. You can help us continue to provide emergency relief whenever hunger strikes.

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Image by Forest Plum

​£20 can help provide emergency assistance for a family who has lost their home.
£45 can help provide medical support when disaster strikes.
£90 can buy vital nourishment for a family facing hunger.


​Please donate today, so that we can act swiftly and bring hope to more families like Asante’s and Dhanu’s.


  • Online, using the form below

  • Through bank transfer to Account No: 06 00 06 68 Sort Code: 80-02-28
    (please include your name and postcode as a reference).

  • By calling 0131 313 3828

  • By posting a cheque, payable to "EMMS International" to EMMS International, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY


My gift

All names changed throughout to protect the identity of individuals.
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