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All Eyes on the SDGs


Updated: Sep 28, 2023

We were delighted to attend the International Development Alliance's Annual Conference, which focused on how NGOs in Scotland can reinvigorate global, national, and public interest in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

EMMS International was invited to share a 'lightning presentation' about SDG1: 'No poverty'. Palliative care gives people a chance to avoid falling into debt in order to care for their loved ones and allows children to continue going to school. Our CEO and Director of International Programmes, Cathy Ratcliff, discussed how EMMS has established itself as an expert in palliative care, ensuring that some of the poorest people in the world have their medical needs met at the end of life. She told the story of a 15-year-old child carer who was supported to go back to school while her dad was supported by our partner's palliative care service.

A lady stood behind a podium giving a speech
Dr Cathy Ratcliff talks about EMMS International's palliative care work

Watch Dr Cathy Ratcliff's full presentation:

In her keynote speech, Deputy First Minister, Shona Robison MSP, discussed the vital fight against poverty and inequality to meet the SDG targets. This should include good healthcare for those with non-communicable diseases, the advancement of gender equality and education opportunities for girls, with an emphasis on global citizenship for Scotland.

A lady stood behind a podium giving a speech
Deputy First Minister, Shona Robison MSP, gives the keynote speech

It was wonderful to hear our NGO colleagues discussing their own work, giving us the opportunity to reflect on how we can work together to reignite passion and commitment for the SDGs. Thank you to everyone who came to say 'hello' at our booth; it was brilliant to meet you and to discover how our friends in the sector are also making an impact.

A women with long dark hair stands behind a table waiting to speak to conference attendees
EMMS Fundraising Manager, Megan Porter, at the International Development Alliance Annual Conference

We are also delighted to have included in Scotland's International Development Alliance's new publication, 'Stepping Up to the Sustainable Development Goals'. We feature in the sections about SDG 3 (Health), 10 (Reduced Inequalities), 5 (Gender Equality), 4 (Quality Education) and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

A colourful document lying open on a table covered in a bright tablecloth
Scotland's International Development Document SDG Publication



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EMMS International, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY

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