How we work
We help the most vulnerable and minimise harm to them
We aim to increase access to healthcare and improved health for the most vulnerable and marginalised, whether through low income, social standing, disability, lack of access to resources, distance from good healthcare (hard-to-reach) or other distressing circumstances.
We work in partnership
We deliver our charitable aims in partnership with organisations in the countries where we work.
We add value in our programmes
We design and manage projects professionally, giving best value to all our donors.
We have a rights-based approach, valuing every individual
All our work furthers the realisation of human rights, as described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights conventions. Improving health and healthcare is political. We encourage people to exercise their responsibilities, claim their rights and stand up for others’ rights.
We work sustainably
We ensure that our programmes have an enduring impact on the health and healthcare of those whom we aim to help. Our projects have in-built capacity for the renewal of financial, physical and natural resources.
We are inclusive
Inclusion concerns protected characteristics in the Equalities Act 2010: age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, and religion or belief. All people have the same rights to access services, participate in mainstream society, develop their full potential, and be protected from harassment.
We care about the environment
Care for the environment applies to all our work because we all depend on our environment for livelihoods and survival. Our work must not be delivered at the expense of the environment. The climate emergency particularly is a huge threat to humanity.