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Make Every Day Matter


You can help to ensure that families are not facing devastating diagnoses alone. That their loved ones are able to live their lives with dignity and care, making every day matter.

By 2030, a 70% increase in annual cancer cases and deaths is predicted in Africa. Imagine facing cancer alone with no treatment or pain relief.


Non-communicable, life-limiting diseases are predicted to be the leading cause of deaths in Nepal by 2040. Without intervention, more than a third of the population could face their final days without professional care or relief from pain.


Morphine is not yet freely available at many rural hospitals in northern India. A passionate team of palliative care specialists is desperately trying to look after their patients, yet now face the closure of facilities if funding can't be found.


The social care crisis means too many families in the UK are struggling to cope when dementia slowly replaces memories with loneliness and isolation, plunging households into poverty and despair.


Together we can provide quality healthcare for the most vulnerable.


In Nepal, Rima is 17 and her mother is living with multi-system atrophy, a rare, incurable, degenerative condition. Rima’s mum went from being an independent woman, teacher and supportive parent, to being bedridden and fearful for the future.

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“Before you helped me, all our family savings had been spent on my treatment. My condition has hampered my children's future, and my relatives suggested that my husband should re-marry.”

Thanks to people like you, EMMS International has been able to bring Rima’s mother under the care of the palliative care team at Green Pasture's Hospital, to live each day with dignity. Together we have helped Rima and her mother make every day matter.


We are making an urgent appeal to make every day matter in Malawi, Nepal, India, and here at home. Please help many more people, like Rima and her mother, make the most of each day without pain and the fear that poverty brings.

Your gift can help patients and their families to make every day matter.


You can donate:

  • Online, using the form below

  • Through bank transfer to Account No: 06 00 06 68 Sort Code: 80-02-28
    (please include your name and postcode as a refere

  • By calling 0131 313 3828

  • By posting a cheque, payable to "EMMS International" to EMMS International, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY


My gift

We thank Channel 4 News for highlighting the urgent need to increase palliative care in Malawi, to make every day matter.  You can watch Channel 4’s feature here.


 +44 (0)131 313 3828

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© 2019 EMMS International | Charity no. SC032327 | Company Limited by Guarantee no. SC224402
EMMS International, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY

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